Exercises for week 1
Ex1a1: Get familiar with your Spyder IDE
If you are using a different IDE like Visual Studio Code
, you can skip this exercise
1) Start a prompt and activate your anaconda environment
2) Open up the Spyder IDE by calling spyder
3) Follow along with the tutorial of the Spyder IDE
If the tutorial suggestion does not start automatically, you can find it in the menu ‘Help’ -> ‘Introduction tour’
Ex1a2: Write a “Hello World” program
1) Create a new file named hello.py
and write in the following statement:
print("Hello World!")
Execute this file.
- If you are using Spyder, press
- If you are using a normal text editor, save your file and call
python hello.py
in the directory of your file.
Congratulations! You have executed your first Python program!!!
Alternative exercises
Ex1b1: Additional Spyder resources
If you need more introductory material to Spyder, you can find additional resources here:
- ‘Help’ -> ‘Spyder documentation’
- ‘Help’ -> ‘Tutorial Videos’
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