View on GitHub



Before we dive into the project you must fulfill some requirements.

1) Choose a common programming language in your group. You can choose between Java, Python or C++. Other programming languages are not allowed, if the material is used as part of a lecture.

2) Within your group agree on an integrated development environment (IDE). Suggestions would be Eclipse or IntelliJ for Java, PyCharm or Visual Studio Code for Python or CLion for C++.

3) Create a github account, every group member needs its own github account. When each participant has created an account, one team member has to create an empty git repository. If you don’t know how to do this, have a look at “how to create a repo”.

4) Share access to the newly created repository between your team members. Have a look at this description if you don’t know how to do this.

4) Download and install a client for the version control system git for your operation system.

5) Clone your repository on your local machine: git clone

6) Create an empty project in your cloned repository. These steps depend on your chosen IDE.

7) Commit your empty project structure as a first commit and push it to github.

Further readings

When you have successfully completed all of the above steps, we can dive into the project description.

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